Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Unfriend or Remove your Facebook Friends in Bulk

Yesterday, we mentioned about some script using which you can automatically confirm your friend requests on Facebook, today we are writing about the reverse process. It happens sometimes that we want to remove some friends from our friends list as we might not want to share our personal info with all of them or just want to remove all those who are not that close to you any more.
Facebook allows you to remove them one by one and have no such option of deleting or removing them in bulk, now this can be bit time consuming if you have lots of friends and you want to remove about hundreds of them from the list.
This will surely be a big task unless you have some script to do this for you. I just found one called FacebookDeletes, that serves the same purpose of removing bulk facebook friends from your friends list easily.
What you all need to do is just, install the script and open the Friends page. Now click on the down arrow to the left of ‘facebook delete friends’ label which will open the menu from where you can select friends to remove and keep (each buddy having a checkbox beside the name).
It is very important to note here that checking the boxes will keep them, while unchecking a box will delete them from the list and in case you are not sure of how this thing works, then do try the Highlight Only button below. This will highlight all the friends which will be deleted when you click the Delete button.
You will also see the count of the friends removed from your list, which is good to know by how many you have reduced your list. To be able to use this script, first install thisGreasemonkey add-on for firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome.

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