Sunday, 12 February 2012

Track your Child’s Facebook activities with MinorMonitor

These days we often see parents of our friends joining the Facebook, this can be for two simple reasons either to keep in touch of their children or just to keep track of his/heractivities. If you are a parent of some kid who is addicted to Facebook and are looking some way to monitor his or her activity, then here is a simple way.
With the help of this free service called MinorMonitor, you can keep a track of your child’s Facebook activities and also analyze it for details on various serious stuffs. All you need to do is sign up at this service, link to your child’s profile and analyze his/her last180 days Facebook activities.
Signing up is fairly simple, however to link to your child’s profile you will be needing his or her login ID and password. I know this can be difficult, but if you can manage this, then you can easily monitor and analyze your child’s Facebook activities.
The service will analyze the activities and provide in front of you the analysis. While it can suggest what kind of activities he or she is indulged in but do ensure that the info provided is correct before taking any action. It is capable of providing in-depth analysis on Wall posts, Status updates, messages, uploaded photos, check-ins and more.
The service is worth a try if you are looking for some way to monitor and track your child’s Facebook activities.

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