Friday, 17 February 2012

Fix various Windows Problems with Windows Repair

If you have been using Windows OS for some time now, then you must have come across one of the famous Windows issues like registry errors, file permissions, problems with Internet Explorer, etc. Whenever there is a malware attack, the first thing that it does is disabling the registry and admin links.
A virus attack can easily change the Windows settings and thus you need to get them back. One way is to reinstall Windows and format the system but this is the most tiresome method and we don’t want every user to do this.
The tool is called’s Windows Repair (All In One) and as per the name of the tool, it repair Windows for the most common settings and problems of the OS. Well the idea is simple, to prevent a user from formatting and installing the OS again and also to help those who are not good at the technology, this tool is devised.
There may be many other solutions available on the internet but this tool is capable of solving most of them at once. Some of the features of the tool are:
• Reset Registry Permissions
• Reset File Permissions
Register System Files
• Repair WMI
Repair Windows Firewall
• Repair Internet Explorer
• Repair MDAC & MS Jet
• Repair Hosts File
• Remove Policies Set By InfectionsSo if you face any common Windows problem, you know what to do next time.

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